Most entrepreneurs think they cannot increase employees’s performances unless they would increase their salary.
But is it really so?
Find out how to create champions
(or the most productive team in your sector),
willing to help your company become a role model
for everyone in the market, downloading now the
“Dream Team Manual”

What you will learn with this free step by step procedure:
1 – The ultimate Key Performance Indicators analysis and Priorities identification for every company manager and staff member
2 – Procedure to get big results through the right KPIs and Statistics
3 – How to follow up with the managers’ statistics to have to control their growth and intervene when needed.
4 – Establish “who does what” to keep KPIs on target
5 – Tangible and intangible KPIs
6 – Turn the problem into information
7 – General KPIs VS Managerial KPIs
8 – How to do a final report for a 45 minutes meeting
In each sector, only few entrepreneurs become richer and richer, who manage to have a team force that works and performe as if the company was their…while other entrepreneurs get stuck in doing always the same activities, stressing with the same problems everyday and fighting to keep their employees productive (or even worst solving problems they create).
The secret not to risk slavery from your own company is to aim to build successful individuals in each department of the company.
Aiming to have a high performing team will allow you to forget the existence of stress and to run your business undisturbed.
This free manual will be available only for little time, so don’t beat around the bush or you risk loosing an opportunity to boost your team productivity.
The “Dream Team Manual” will explain the necessary steps to monitor every single person performances in your company and get things done from them properly…with high standards and no justifications!
Jacques Addad
CAJA Consulting
I have applied the right Key Performance Indicators to all my team and I realized that I was running my company and my people performances just from my gut instinct rather than having an objective point of view.
My all company now has improved the monthly statistics in every department, this is thanks to all the great job my people did and the effort they put even in a difficult period like this.
I could not achieve these results if I didn’t have a step by step procedure to monitor my people.
With the OSM help in how to monitor my people I was able to check weekly (and for some positions also daily) how my team was performing and if I was noticing that something was not going to the right direction, having the right numerical indicators, I could face the situation right away instead of waiting to see an actual problem coming.
My sell force, for instance, had no excuses. Although I understand that there might be some difficulties in the market, with the right KPIs they all overpassed their monthly target.
I can only say I lost a lot of time and money by not applying this procedure before, but now all my departments are performing well so now I know I have to use this forever.
Rami Khaled
Arka Design
I thought that only sales team had to have some performances indicators, but OSM helped me understand what is the professional way to manage a team and its performances.
Not only I understood that I was applying completely wrong statistics to my sales people but also that all the people working for me have to have their own personalised KPIs.
My customers are way happier than before as my production team does not have only quantitative indicators but also quality indicators.
Unsatisfactory results now can be avoided and if there is an obstacle that is stopping the person to achieve the target aimed I can now understand how to manage it in an effective way and not by my instinct.
Even my tea-boy has also KPIs now 🙂