The economic and financial fallout of this Covid-19 evolution will definitely have a big impact on many businesses. Every company should prepare well in advance for when the lockdown will be lifted in the country. From our thirty years of experience, we have codified a procedure that will help you, practically, overcome this moment and, despite the thousand difficulties, restart stronger than before!
This is the Business Restart program which you can instantly understate and get benefits and take the advantage now
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Whenever everything restarts, in fact, it is NOT true that there will be less for everyone, but there will be MORE for the few who invested every day to build their professional strategy, irrespective of market conditions you will be stronger!
Why will you be stronger?
Because if you solve this crisis with the right approach, you’ll be 7 steps ahead of the competition. However, you will be able to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity exclusively if you enter the Business Restart program in time.
We are being close to our students in this difficult time, we only ask you to apply the immense amount of knowledge and material you will have every month during our private sessions.
We will navigate your organization’s situation by talking to the manager entrepreneur or key individuals who will be taking part in this programme. A meeting will take place via a webinar with private sessions, where the OSM consultant will assist you in drawing up probably the clearest, most evolved, impactful, informative, and potent, action-based plan you can find right now to boost the company in these full stop days
To project cash flow modelling and preparation and determine which steps we need to put in place to ensure your business survival, we will conduct a financial analysis test of the entrepreneur in person or online for your company.
OSM consultant is a moderator who will brainstorm the owner of all executives or the company’s key people. We’ll define business priorities and identify challenges and opportunities.
9 ways a business gets stuck and what to do about it
Develop the attack plan to be shared within the company
The difference/implications between being strategic vs. tactical
Priorities identification for every company manager
Single main business KPI identification to be assigned and monitored for every
How to deal strategically and cost-effectively in markets that are rapidly changing
Key strategies for dealing with marketplace competition
How to grow your business during challenging economic times
In the first online session where the OSM team will teach business owners and managers how to manage people with remote working. They will discuss various topics on the first day like identification and supply plan for the proper technological tools and share of training material used.
The main topics covered:
The 4-time quadrants for crisis management
Top performers may become less productive
Management techniques of average performers
Name the results, make results aimed by the people
To reach point B, people need to reach point A first: stress management
How to achieve results through smart working
Action plans development
In the second online session, we will cover main topics such as:
Roles management and information sharing
Remote motivation management.
How to manage mistakes and improper behavioural aspects
Motivational games
Sales force interactions
Remote meetings management
Action plan development
2 hours online session with the business owner to dive into the market opportunities how to catch them and compare with the actual situation:
How to properly target the market to sell more
The Inverted Pyramid strategy to close the deal way easier
Building a sales force the proper way
How to discover and maximize what is already working for you
Understanding and implementing the power of relational capital
Strategic alliances. How to find them and form them the right way
How to go about prospecting for more clients
How to build long term trust with your clients, vendors, prospects, and everyone you deal with
The important factors of closing a sale
How to establish relationship criteria for getting more referrals
How to ensure your current and past clients buy again and again
The OSM consultant will be present and will guide the weekly business meeting in person or online.
Team coordination
Get everyone to express their opinions and ideas.
KPI analysis
Establish “who does what” to keep KPIs on target
Final motivational speech
New redefined KPI target final written report
The OSM consultants will arrange a new meeting one week later with the following topics.
View statistics and comment on them
Create coordination within the group
Make everyone in the group speak about their opinions
Set other targets that emerged as necessary during the debate
Closing the meeting in a motivating way
New redefined KPI target final written report
They will get all the studying manuals and slides used in the courses. Having the materials will allow the person to re-read the most critical parts for him at any time and wherever he wants.
They will get our Business Class App. In the Business Class App, they will find audiobooks and videos courses to increase their skills as a manager. They can spend just a few minutes a day for their personal growth and acquire new knowledge to face and solve the various daily challenges whenever they want. Even if they have 10-15 minutes, they can listen to one or two audio lessons. During car journeys or business trips, they can take the opportunity to learn more about something and become more effective in running their tasks.
The 10 Rules of Success manual.
These Rules brought thousands and thousands of entrepreneurs and managers all over the world to achieve ABUNDANCE.
We will follow up with the managers’ statistics in order to have to control their growth and intervene when needed.
We will always be available to assist them for any doubt, problems or questions they may have while applying for the program.
Q&A with experts from your same sector
We will create a smart meeting plan for your employees and managers which will help you in managing a team effectively.
This is the ONLY program your company needs right now.
This is a program that will change you completely as a person and as an entrepreneur.
Our warranty is: Our services stop when you get proven results, otherwise, we keep staying next to you free of charge until you get the results you wanted to achieve.
It is not a coincidence that the percentage growth of our clients is up to 82%. (If you would like to get some testimonials, I will make you in touch with them directly)
The choice you will make will have an important influence on the fate of your company.